There are several reasons for this alert occurring. This article offers several actions you can take to try and resolve this issue.

Try these steps in the order outlined below:

  1. In many cases, this issue is caused when moving from an office-connected environment to a remote-connected environment. When Outlook is left open and running, it can get confused as to what network connection it should use to connect to the server and synchronize the Inbox and Calendar. This can be resolved by simply rebooting your system.
  2. Sign out of the MS Office account your logged in with:
    1. Open outlook and select: File>Office Account>Sign out.  
    2. Close Outlook, reopen it, and log in again through the same screen. 
  3. Update Outlook to the latest version
  4. Install any pending Windows updates:  Click the windows start button and type Check for updates, hit enter, then locate the blue button that says Check for updates, click it and wait until it reports back.  If there are Pending updates install them and reboot after it completes.
  5. If the issue persists, you can try removing out of date credentials as documented below. 
  6. If all of these actions don't resolve your issue, IT may need to build a new Outlook profile on your system. This will require an IT support person to access your system and create the new profile.


1. Go to the Windows Start, and type: credential (At the top you should see "Credential Manager," click on it)

2. Click on "Windows Credentials."

3. Look for "" or "" or "Microsoft Office." in the name.  Click on the down arrow to the right.

4. Click on "Remove."


5. When prompted to permanently delete, click "Yes."