In Dynamics 365, click on the "Funnel" icon on the type right of the screen:

This will open a pop up window like below:

Click on "Saved Views" which will show you the saved views you have for whichever Record Type you were on when you started. This could be Gifts, Constituents or some other Record Type.

To change the record type, click on Record Type and a dropdown list will show you all the record types you have access to.

Select from the dropdown to see all saved views you may have for that Record Type.

Next, select the View you wish to share and click on the Share icon in the ribbon:

Another popup window will open:

Now you can add users to share the view with, and modify the permissions.

Each user will need at least Read permissions or they won't be able to see the view. 

Write will allow them to edit the view.

Delete will allow them to remove the view from the system.

Append is greyed out as we don't use it.

Assign will allow the user to change the ownership of the view, usually greyed out.

Share will allow the user to share the view with other users.